Welcome to ehachettefle

Hachette FLE digital resource portal

My library

Whether in class, at home, screen sharing or travelling...
Your resources are always with you!
Go to:
My online library
or download the application for:
<span class="translation_missing localeapp" title="translation missing: en.landing.sections.box_my_library.alt_img">Alt Img</span>

My classes

Join your virtual classroom, where students and teachers can:
  • communicate,
  • share resources,
  • manage activities or assessment,
  • follow the progress.
My classes
<span class="translation_missing localeapp" title="translation missing: en.landing.sections.box_my_courses.alt_img">Alt Img</span>

The store

Discover student books, workbooks and countless additional Hachette FLE resources, organized by collection or learner age.

You will receive a code by e-mail to activate your purchase in just a few clicks.

Visit the store
<span class="translation_missing localeapp" title="translation missing: en.landing.sections.box_store.alt_img">Alt Img</span>